Global Health

Event Details

In this session, you will hear firsthand from speakers who have completed international placements, research projects, and electives across the globe as they share their experiences, lessons learned, and insights into how global health issues are being addressed in different settings.

Objectives of This Session:

  • To showcase real-world experiences in global health through the lens of learners.
  • To explore how health disparities and global health challenges are addressed in diverse regions of the world.
  • To foster knowledge exchange and discussion on the future of global health practices and research.

NOTE: Students enrolled in the Concentration in Global Health and Social Accountability will gain 2 points for attending upon submitting on Brightspace.

About Global Health Learning Network:

The Global Health Learning Network is a platform for knowledge growth and exchange with the goal to build a community of practice in global health that reaches across researchers, practitioners, and learners from all global health domains to include members of the public with an interest in global health.

The School of Epidemiology and Public Health, Bruyère Health, WHO Collaborating Centre for Knowledge Translation and Health Technology Assessment in Health Equity, and the International and Global Health Office (IGHO) are collaborating to host the global health learning network events.

If you require accommodation, please contact the event host as soon as possible.
Date and time
Mar 26, 2025
6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Format and location
In person, Virtual
Roger Guindon (RGN), room 1007
Organized by
International and Global Health Office (IGHO)

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