Dialogues sur la recherche


This conversation focuses on the issue of assessment of mathematical learning and its central role in improving teaching practices and student learning. However, putting formative assessment into practice requires disciplinary, didactic and professional skills on the part of teachers, as well as critical reflection on conceptions of teaching, learning and assessment in mathematics. A synthesis of the evolution of the researcher's research work will be shared, as well as the most recent findings concerning future teachers' conceptions and knowledge of assessment in mathematics. 

Carolina Ruminot

Carolina Ruminot

Professor, University of Ottawa

Carolina Ruminot, a professor specializing in the didactics of mathematics, actively contributes to the training and development of mathematical skills in various faculty programs. Her innovative and inclusive teaching methods are adapted to the Franco-Ontarian context. Her research focuses on the articulation between mathematics teaching and assessment practices, with a particular interest in the development of evaluative skills. Among her projects, she has conducted an in-depth study of the effects of large-scale standardized assessments, involving 17 teachers from various educational contexts. Her most recent research focuses on understanding and improving mathematics teaching and assessment practices among elementary school teachers in French-speaking Ontario and Santiago, Chile. She is also interested in evaluative practices related to the development of algebraic thinking in the Franco-Ontarian context, where she acts as co-researcher. Committed to advancing didactic research in a minority francophone environment, she founded the Érudid (Équipe de recherche universitaire en didactiques) research unit within the Faculty of Education. Carolina Ruminot collaborates with a number of Latin American universities (Universidad de las Américas, Universidad Silva Henriquez, Universidad Central), as a member of the editorial board of a Latin American journal, and by running training courses on mathematics teaching and learning assessment. 

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Date and time
Mar 25, 2025
12 p.m. to 1 p.m.
Format and location
In person, Virtual
LMX 387 and Teams
Professors, Graduate students
Organized by
Faculty of Education

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